The Lake District National Park is famous for its stunning scenery, abundant wildlife and cultural heritage. The Lake District makes for wonderful family holidays.
The semi-natural woodlands add texture, colour and variety to the landscape and also provide a home for native animals and plants. The high rainfall in the core of the National Park favours woodlands rich in Atlantic mosses and liverworts, ferns and lichen.
The presence of wood pasture, pollards and old coppice woodland form part of the rich cultural heritage of the National Park. The tranquility of the fells, valleys and lakes gives a sense of space and freedom. There is an opportunity for spiritual refreshment: a release from the pressures of modern-day life.
Lake District locals have worked the land and helped shape the landscape, while writers and environmentalists have campaigned for landscape protection.
Artists and writers such as Turner, Heaton Cooper, Kurt Schwitters, Wordsworth, Coleridge and De Quincey have gained inspiration from the area, as well as childrens authors Arthur Ransome and Beatrix Potter.
The area has its own dialects and distinctive sports such as hound trailing, fell running, and Cumberland and Westmorland wrestling. Indigenous breeds of sheep and local crafts and foods are celebrated at valley shows and nationally.